

     Basic - Divination

     The basic training from concerns the structure and function of the I Ching. Apart from its history until today, it starts with the detailed analysis and creation of the trigrams, their names, their attributes and their arrangement in the two Pa Kua, in order to make the hexagrams more understood. The original as also the prevalent until today understanding are presented with comprehensive description, so there can be an impartial comparison among them. This new approach of the I Ching consists the most groundbreaking as also the most beyond dispute approach there is.

     The training continues with the function of I Ching as a divination book. It includes analysing the form of the question to ask, the methods employed to ask it, the verification of the asked question, the idea behind each of the six lines and the understanding of the taken and the future hexagrams, through many examples.

     But even as an oracle book, essential understanding most of the I Ching is impossible without the understanding of the inner practices that the text refers to.

I Ching Nei Kung

     I Ching consists a complete system of all the inner alchemy practices available to a human. It is not only about what has been called "Taoist" meditation practices, but includes all alchemical meditation there is, embracing all other traditions throughout history. Also, its structure ensures that all steps are in it, nothing is missing.

     There are eight practices that each corresponds to one of the eight trigrams and for each trigam there is a family of eight hexagrams that describe the corresponding practice. These eight practices don't work independently, but they support each other in a sequence. By completing one practice, the foundation is build to move to the next. I Ching provides only the absolutely neccessary information for each practice. For example it is not mentioned if the practice must be done in a standing, sitting or lying position, as this is not considered important. Focusing on the essential to keep each practice effective but simple, is the key to facilitate the advacement of the practicioner in a more effortless way. After all, the name I Ching can be translated as Book of Changes, but also as Book of Easiness.

     In, the system of inner practices described in I Ching is called I Ching Nei Kung, where Nei Kung means inner practice. I Ching Nei Kung is created by following letter by letter, line by line, hexagram by hexagram, exclusively the information provided by the ancient text, avoiding strictly any vagueness in its interpretation.

Soon: More Information on Lessons, Seminars, Courses

     "Following the Tao" is a dictionary of chinese terms used in Taoist inner practices. All the included ideographs are analyzed line by line revealing the image behind each one, in order to make each term better understood to the reader.

     It also includes a detailed analysis of the pre heaven pa kua, its construction and development. This is the root of teachings.

     Available in paperback and pdf.     


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     "Following the Tao" is an analytic interpretation of Chinese characters regarding Taoist spiritual cultivation that was missing, at least to that extent. Leonidas' analysis is an inspiring tool for our practice, as it gives us a deeper understanding of the words we use  to describe it."

                                                                           Mantak Chia